- What’s In Your Bottled Water – Besides Water?
Pure, clean water. That’s what the ads say. But what does the lab say?
- In Summer's Heat, Watch What You Drink
This is a perfect time of year to take a beverage inventory: what you drink, how much and how to maintain a reasonable intake of fluids — ones that will supply your body with much-needed water without adding to your fat stores. Chances are the summe
- Debating How Much Weed Killer Is Safe in Your Water Glass
New research suggests that atrazine may be dangerous at lower concentrations than previously thought, particularly for fetuses.
- Clean Water Laws Are Neglected, at a Cost in Suffering
In the past five years, companies and workplaces have violated pollution laws more than 500,000 times. But most polluters have escaped punishment.
- Health Ills Abound as Farm Runoff Fouls Wells
Farm waste, the biggest polluter of American rivers, is largely unregulated by many of the laws designed to prevent pollution and protect drinking water.
- Regulators Plan to Study Risks of Atrazine
New studies linking atrazine in drinking water with birth defects, low birth weights and reproductive problems in humans have prompted the E.P.A. to study its effects.
- Superfund money to clean 'mouth of the beast'
A recent article in the San Francisco Gate newspaper describes in detail what geologists are calling the worst water in the world. Iron Mountain Mine in Redding, CA currently is heavily polluted with iron and copper to the point that the metals coat
- National Tap Water Quality Database
A Tap water database organized by State. A national assessment of the nations drinking water. Over 140 non-enforceable contaminants found in the nation’s drinking water.
Why is on site drinking water purification better for the environment?
From an environmental prospective.